The Rabbit is a Digital Artist, Composer, & Electronic Music Producer.

< Sonic Mashup

Music & Edit by The Rabbit

Visuals Copyright Paramount Pictures


Music video: >
Created in Cinema 4d

< Eurorack Gear Demos & Reviews

In depth tutorials for my collection of synth modules

Ambient tracks created with a modular synth >

< My first guitar + synth track

For Colorado Modular Synth Society Drones for Peace


A collection of tracks that I shall call an EP>

Album title:

< An album I may finish someday…

Album Title: Redemption

Vintage Video Game Music: >


Modular Synth Album >

An album I am trying to make with mostly my small but growing modular synth system.

< Modular Synth Patches

My early attempts at learning modular synthesizers. Don’t waste more than 30 seconds on any of these. It’s a bunch of random experiments that sound kinda funky.



Debut Album by The Rabbit

An ominous exploration of identity, self-worth, and laser sharks. This collection of debut tracks from The Rabbit will certainly be regarded and rabbit shit in the near future by The Rabbit himself. But alas, all artists must debut their work at some point.

Enjoy. Leave Comments. Embrace your own identity.


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Creating 3D art on a mostly daily basis.

Down the rabbit hole…

Writings and explorations from The Rabbit

Watch the music videos

Visual art by Beeple. Editing by The Rabbit